June 21, 2013

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New Core Feature - Collections!!


Collections are officially here, yay!

Just about anything that you can gather, forage, or gain through activities like Recycling and Quests will soon have associated Collections!

Some Collections, like those associated with Foraging and Gathering, where items are always available to pick up, are meant to be longer term goals and will require bulk amounts of items to be turned in to complete. These Collections can also be completed multiple times for multiple chances at the prize pool. Some Collections, like those associated with Public House Items, Quest Items etc. that are only available for a limited time, will only be able to be completed one time and will give out a set reward or rewards that can't be repeated.

You can access all available Collections under Home > Your Collections

What can you get from completing Collections? Completed collections may give out trophies, item...

A new batch of Lyridae area available!


Take your blossoming twig treats to the Khim Habitats in Khimeros Caldera to redeem!
